Linear Periodized Circuits


Circuit - Base.jpg

Base Circuits

Session 1

The load (lbs) is a % of our maximum ability to complete one rep. If you can complete more than 15 reps, add 5 lbs. Rest 30 seconds between each exercise. "B" meant to complete the exercise on the left and right side. 


One Arm Standing Row

One Arm Standing Press

Goblet Squat

Band Pull Aparts




Shoulder External Rotations + Wrist Extensions

Wrist Flexor Stretch

Frog Stretch



60% Max

60% Max

60% Max

Sets X Reps

2 x 12 B

2 x 12 B

2 x 12

2 x 10

1 x 10 B

5 x 10 Seconds

1 x 15 B

1 x 15 B Band

1 x 30 Seconds

1 x 30 Seconds


Video Links

One Arm Standing Row Video

One Arm Standing Press Video

Goblet Squat Video

Band Pull Aparts Video

Birddog Video

Superman Video

Bridges Video

Shoulder Ext. Rotations Video

Wrist Flexor Stretch Video

Frog Stretch Video

Session 2

The load (lbs) is a % of our maximum ability to complete one rep. If you can complete more than 15 reps, add 5 lbs. Rest 30 seconds between each exercise. "B" meant to complete the exercise on the left and right side. SA = Serratus Anterior


One Arm Pulldowns

One Arm Overhead Press

Reverse Lunges

Overhead Ball Bounce

Counter Rotations

Planks with SA Push

Mountain Climbers with Twist

Shoulder External Rotations + Wrist Extensions

Wrist Flexor Stretch

Frog Stretch



60% Max

60% Max

60% Max

50% Max








Sets x Reps

2 x 12 B

2 x 12 B

2 x 12 B

1 x 15

1 x 15 B Band

5 x 10 Seconds

1 x 15

1 x 15 B Band

1 x 30 Seconds

1 x 30 Seconds


Strength - Circuit

Strength / Power Circuits

Session 1

The load (lbs) is a % of our maximum ability to complete one rep. If you can complete more than 15 reps, add 5 lbs. Rest 30 seconds between each exercise. "B" meant to complete the exercise on the left and right side. SA = Serratus Anterior



Bentover Rows

One Arm Chest Press

Lat Pull Downs

Birddogs on Toes

Reverse Hypers

Bridges with Leg Raise

Shoulder External Rotation + Wrist Extension

Wrist Flexors













Set X Reps

3 x 5 B

3 x 5 B

3 x 5 B

2 x 10 B

3 x 10 Seconds

1 x 15 B Ball

1 x 15 B Band

1 x 30 Seconds

1 x 30 Seconds



Session 2

The load (lbs) is a % of our maximum ability to complete one rep. If you can complete more than 15 reps, add 5 lbs. Rest 30 seconds between each exercise. "B" meant to complete the exercise on the left and right side. SA = Serratus Anterior


One Arm Pulldowns

Overhead Press with Plates

Sumo Deadlifts

Lat Pullovers

Standing Stir the Pots

Planks with SA & Rotation

Mountain Climbers on Bosu

Shoulder External Rotation + Wrist Extension

Wrist Flexors














Sets X Reps

3 x 5 B

2 x 10 B

3 x 5

2 x 10

1 x 15 B Band

2 x 10 Seconds B

1 x 40

1 x 15 B Band

30 Seconds

30 Seconds


Performance Circuits

Performance Circuits

Session 1

The load (lbs) is a % of our maximum ability to complete one rep. If you can complete more than 15 reps, add 5 lbs. Rest 30 seconds between each exercise. "B" meant to complete the exercise on the left and right side. SA = Serratus Anterior


Bentover Rows

Cable Dips

Single Leg Box Squats

Band Pull Aparts

Birddogs on Toes

Standing Stir the Pots

Bridging w/ Straight Kicks

Shoulder External Rotations + Wrist Extensions

Wrist Flexors













Sets X Reps

2 x 10 B

3 x 3 B

3 x 5 B

2 x 10 B Band

3 x 10 Seconds B

1 x 15 Band B

1 x 15 B

1 x 15 B Band

30 Seconds

30 Seconds

Session 2

The load (lbs) is a % of our maximum ability to complete one rep. If you can complete more than 15 reps, add 5 lbs. Rest 30 seconds between each exercise. "B" meant to complete the exercise on the left and right side. SA = Serratus Anterior


Pull-Ups / Chin-Ups

Overhead Press

Single Straight Leg Deadlifts

Lat Pullovers

Stir the Pots on Ball

Ball Bridges with Curl

Shoulder External Rotation + Wrist Extension

Wrist Flexors












Sets X Reps

3 x 3

2 x 6 B

3 x 5 B

2 x 10

1 x 15 Band B

1 x 15

1 x 15 Band B

30 Seconds

30 Seconds

Video LInks

No Video


No Video

No Video

No Video

No Video




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